Remove netlify stuff

This commit is contained in:
Junon 2021-02-17 23:47:37 +01:00
parent 0fd3d6221b
commit 6433045268
3 changed files with 3 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
name: gitlab
repo: june/netlify-test # Path to your GitLab repository
auth_type: implicit # Required for implicit grant
app_id: 96748343d3dd5b9f9cf52f3869fdc248150fae1a7096424632058bca9968cb87 # Application ID from your GitLab settings
auth_endpoint: oauth/authorize
locale: 'fr'
# This line should *not* be indented
publish_mode: editorial_workflow
# These lines should *not* be indented
media_folder: "static/images/uploads" # Media files will be stored in the repo under static/images/uploads
public_folder: "/images/uploads" # The src attribute for uploaded media will begin with /images/uploads
- name: "page" # Used in routes, e.g., /admin/collections/pages
label: "Page" # Used in the UI
folder: "content" # The path to the folder where the documents are stored
create: true #Allow users to create new documents in this collection
slug: "{{slug}}" # Filename template, e.g.,
fields: # The fields for each document, usually in front matter
- {label: "Titre", name: "title", widget: "string"}
- {label: "Ordre", name: "weight", widget: "number", default :1, value_type: "int"}
- {label: "Texte", name: "body", widget: "markdown"}

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Content Manager</title>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Include the script that builds the page and powers Netlify CMS -->
<script src="^2.0.0/dist/netlify-cms.js"></script>
import CMS from 'netlify-cms-app';
import { fr } from 'netlify-cms-locales';
CMS.registerLocale('fr', fr);

View File

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ get_url(path="juice.css") }}">
{% block head %}
{% endblock head %}
<script src=""></script>
@ -26,10 +24,10 @@
{% block hero %}
<section class="text-center">
<h1 class="heading-text" style="font-size: 3rem">
Build your static website
Invoquez votre domaine
<h3 class="title-text">
<b>Juice</b> is an intuitive, elegant, and lightweight Zola theme for product websites.
<b>DNS Witch</b> rend les domaines accessibles.
<img class="hero-image" style="width: 50%" src="{{ get_url(path=config.extra.juice_logo_path) }}" alt="Describing my logo">
@ -38,7 +36,7 @@
<div class="explore-more text" tabindex=0
onclick="document.getElementById('features').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'})"
onkeydown="document.getElementById('features').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'})">
Explore More
En savoir plus
@ -138,17 +136,4 @@
if (window.netlifyIdentity) {
window.netlifyIdentity.on("init", user => {
if (!user) {
window.netlifyIdentity.on("login", () => {
document.location.href = "/admin/";