+++ title = "Showcases" description = "Showcases" weight = 1 +++ # Pull request If you use **Juice** as your theme, feel free to make Pull request. Here are some steps to help you get started: - Change the [content/showcases.md](https://github.com/huhu/juice/blob/master/content/showcases.md) file, add your product site. Make sure the lexicographical order. - Add your screenshots to [content](https://github.com/huhu/juice/tree/master/static/showcases) directory, then link the screenshot in the markdown file. - Add a link to your product site. # Gallery Here are some product websites which use **Juice** as the theme. Sort by lexicographical order. ## C/C++ Search Extension ![](/cpp-search-extension.png) Link: [https://cpp.extension.sh/](https://cpp.extension.sh/) ## Go Search Extension ![](/go-search-extension.png) Link: [https://go.extension.sh/](https://go.extension.sh/) ## JS Search Extension ![](/js-search-extension.png) Link: [https://js.extension.sh/](https://js.extension.sh/) ## Rust Search Extension ![](/rust-search-extension.png) Link: [https://rust.extension.sh/](https://rust.extension.sh/)