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{% extends "base.html" %}
{% import "macros.html" as macros %}
{% block htmltitle %}
{{ page.title }}
{% endblock htmltitle %}
{% block title %}
{{ page.title }}
{% endblock title %}
{% block content %}
{% if not page.extra.no_header %}
{% if page.date %}
{{ macros::format_date(date=page.date) }}
{% endif %}
{% if config.extra.show_word_count and not page.extra.hide_word_count %}
{% if page.date %}
· {{ page.word_count }} words
{% else %}
{{ page.word_count }} words
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if config.extra.show_reading_time and not page.extra.hide_reading_time %}
{% set previous = config.extra.show_word_count and not page.extra.hide_word_count %}
{% if previous or page.date %}
· {{ page.reading_time }} min
{% else %}
{{ page.reading_time }} min
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.taxonomies.tags %}
<div class="tag-container">
Tags : 
{% for tag in page.taxonomies.tags %}
<span class="tag">
<a href="{{ get_taxonomy_url(kind='tags', name=tag) }}">
{{ tag }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.taxonomies.authors %}
<div class="tag-container">
Auteur·trices : 
{% for author in page.taxonomies.authors %}
<span class="tag">
<a href="{{ get_taxonomy_url(kind='authors', name=author) }}">
{{ author }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ page.content | safe }}
{% endblock content %}